🐾How to write good requirements?🐾
❓A requirement is a statement that translates or expresses a need and its associated constrains and conditions. A requirement shall state a) the subject of the requirement, b) what shall be done, or c) constraint on the system.
It is important to agree on specific keywords and terms that signal the presence of a requirement. A common approach is to stipulate the following:
🔹Requirements are mandatory binding provisions and use "shall".
🔹Non-requirements, such as desriptive text, use verbs such as "are", "is" and "was". It is best to avoid using the term "must", due to potential misinterpretation as a requirement.
🔹Statements of fact, futurity, or a declaration of purpose are non mandatory, non-binding provisions and use "will". "Will" can also be used to establish context or limitations of use.
🔹Preferences or goals are desired, non-mandatory, non-binding provisions and use "should". They are not requirements.
🔹Suggestions or allowances are non-mandatory, non-binding provisions and use "may".
🔹Use positive statements and avoid using passive voice, such as "it is required that".
🔹Use active voice: avoid using passive voice, such as "it is required that".
🔹Avoid using terms such as "shall be able to".
Hope it helps. What rules do you follow when writing requirements? 🤓
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